Monday, July 15, 2013

Preparing a lesson on "Healthy Sexuality in God's View"

I have been waiting for this week to come. In 6 days, I will be flying to India for my first missions trip. The reason why I have been waiting for this week to come is because I will be using this week to prepare for India; praying, lesson planning, researching, etc.

Just a few weeks ago I was informed that I will be teaching a lesson on "Healthy Sexuality in God's View". The missionary has considered the gifts, areas of interest and passion of our team members and applied it to how we will minister on the missions trip. So, according to my particular interest on the topic I will be teaching on and my ability to teach, I will be doing just that.

For those who don't know, our team will be working 2 groups: 1) Women who are/have been in the sex trade and 2) Children who may (or may not) have been orphaned and beg at the train station.

I just sighed after typing the latter. It's going to be intense. I know it.

Now, the anxiety I'm feeling right now is about the lesson I have to teach on. I have taught on the topic of sexuality before, to youth and girls...but not to women in the sex India. It's a little intimidating.

Can I be vulnerable with you?

What if I don't teach according to their context?
What if the lesson sounds judgmental?
What if I don't validate what they have gone through?

These are just some of the 'what if's' I have been asking myself. I cannot depend on myself, I need to depend on God the Holy Spirit to teach through me.

Lord, please teach your truths through me and the rest of our team. Let us be bold in declaring your truths but also loving, wise, understanding and creative. Let us not fear. Help us to be confident in your truths. The Bible (Isaiah 55:11) says that Your Word does not return void, so I pray that Your Word will be be sprinkled in the women and children's hearts and that Your Holy Spirit would do the work of germination in them. That fruit would grow, fruit that would multiply and glorify Jesus, according to John 15. 
Jesus, be lifted up with our words, deeds and motives as we prep and as we go to India. Amen. 

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